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Celebrating All the Dad’s this Father’s Day

“Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, and singers of song.” Pam Brown In 2020, everything is moving at a much faster pace. Not only are we peaking in terms of advances in technology, with smartphones and virtual meeting platforms it is hard to switch off. Then came COVID-19 and working […]

WSU Webinar Recording and Feedback

The COVID-19 pandemic has truly created a paradigm shift in all spheres of life. In this webinar, we focused specifically on the Walter Sisulu Institution, as they embark on the very necessary transition to online teaching. Topics of discussion: Content creation An engaging student in the online environment We had some questions during the session […]

Online teaching and learning for TVET Colleges

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a paradigm shift in all spheres of life. In this webinar, we focused on teaching and learning in TVET colleges and the shift from traditional teaching and learning to online teaching and learning. Our Director of Digital Learning Services, Myles Thies, addressed digital learning within the context of TVET Colleges; […]

MUT Chooses iThenticate – Success Story

iThenticate is the most trusted plagiarism checker by the world’s top researchers, publishers, and scholars. It facilitates the upload and checking of documents via a web-based interface that is quick and intuitive. It differs from Turnitin, in that submissions are not stored in a database (view the comparison below for more iThenticate and Turnitin). Instead, […]

LMS vs SIS: How to tell the difference

A Learning Management System and Student Information System are critical systems for both the education and business sectors of today. Both systems have very distinct purposes, with some features in common. With similar functionalities and capabilities, the two systems are often confused as being one and the same thing – and therefore the distinct purpose […]

How to encourage Online Collaboration

Online collaboration has become a necessity in today’s world. The current pandemic has steered us into a direction that demands us to adapt and transform quickly. Working collaboratively in the online space has been the topic of every meeting for most organisations of late. The ability to integrate ‘normal’, everyday work with an online space […]

How to encourage Online Collaboration

In this episode of The Blue Couch, we are joined by Elvis Kafilongo and Chanel Long, both professionals in the field of Instructional Design and Online Course design. With years of experience, they share the importance of encouraging online collaboration.  We explore the benefits, fundamentals, and practices that come effectively creating an environment that cultivates […]

How to Prevent Contract Cheating with Turnitin

The COVID-19 Pandemic has created unprecedented circumstances where students have been forced into remote learning. This has been stressful in various ways. With this sudden transition, students experience stress, lack of connection with their lecturers, lack of motivation and overall struggles. These circumstances make shortcuts, like cheating, even more tempting. Contract cheating is seen as […]