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How to prepare students for the 21st Century workplace

In 2018, we can safely say we are no longer on the brink of a technological revolution, but part of it. Known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, this is the new industrial era where technologies fuse to blur the lines between the physical, digital and biological spheres. What this means for the future of today’s’ […]

Four tips for preparing stellar online content

Four tips for preparing stellar online content Cape Town, 13 February 2018:  According to Forbes, in 2017 South Africa had 21 million internet users.  According to the research, 40% of our population went online last year, although much usage was social media, networking and entertainment, online learning and digital education are on the rise. With […]

Cultural diversity and online learning

South Africa is home to a diversity of cultures and languages. It is this heritage that creates both the richness and complexity within our country. With 11 official languages, the Education sector is greatly influenced by our diversity. Our cultures influence the patterns of education. But with such a massive range of cultures, the question […]

Staffroom: Making life a little easier for those who inspire

“There is nothing wrong, with getting it wrong…you learn so much more through the process.” Wendy Horn, Global Teacher Prize Nominee 2018  Inspiration comes in all shapes and forms. Many of us would agree that we had that one teacher who influenced us to set life goals and achieve our best. That one teacher who made us pursue our tertiary studies or […]

Celebrate Women

Celebrating Women in Education: Clare Reilly  South Africa celebrated its first National Women’s Day in 1995. This day was declared a holiday as part of the remembrance of all women who united as one voice on 9 August 1956. Their motivation? To protest the norm, to speak up against injustice and to show the power of joining […]

Developing content for a TV Generation

  Developing content for a TV generation  Carol Dwyer is a live wire, she’s a ‘mature’ lecturer at False Bay College who has embraced technology in order to develop blended learning experiences that are entertaining, appropriate, and relevant to the topic as well as contextualized for the local student. Her inputs help us understand how to develop […]

67 Minutes to make a difference

“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” – Nelson Mandela A lot can be done in 67 minutes. A quick lunch, final edits on a report, a […]

Education: one of the most powerful weapons to change the world

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela The Oxford Dictionary defines Education as, “The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.” As a noun, it is described as, “a body of knowledge acquired while being educated.” So in essence Education involves […]

The Impact Of Technology On Education In Rural SA

THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON EDUCATION IN RURAL SA South Africa’s education system faces many challenges. This is true especially for our rural areas, where basic infrastructure is often lacking and combined with socio-economic circumstances, these remotely based learning institutions are kept at a disadvantage. While access to information and communication technology may often be […]