“Plagiarism is perhaps one of the foremost and richest of postmodern dilemmas.”  

Aside from the disciplinary perspective, plagiarism also harms the extent to which your students can learn whilst in years of academic study. When your students cheat through plagiarism they are ultimately cheating themselves as they have spoiled the chance to learn and develop their knowledge on a specific subject. This learning and development skillset could place them in good position for later life so from all perspectives, plagiarism is something which should be avoided at all costs.

They lack confidence.

Even students who are confident about their ideas may be tempted to borrow an author’s words because the author “says it better than I can.” Students may not be familiar with the lingo that is used in some academic areas that are new to them. They may feel awkward about trying to incorporate those words and phrases into their writing.

They think they are supposed to reproduce what the experts have said.

Many students think learning is a passive process, whereby they are supposed to let other people fill their heads with knowledge, like vessels being filled with water. Thus, they may assume that the point of doing research for a paper is to collect ideas, quotes, and evidence from experts. Then, to show what they have learned, they will reproduce it in the form of quotations, summaries, and paraphrases, perhaps knitting together those pieces with some brief transitions. (Lipson & Reindl, 2003; Ashworth & Bannister, 1997).

They have difficulty integrating source material into their own exposition or argument.

It is not easy to write an effective summary, paraphrase without plagiarizing, and weave quotations into one’s own text. This is particularly true if students are simultaneously figuring out what they think and learning how to formulate their argument according to the conventions of a particular field. Students are likely to summarize or paraphrase without appropriately citing their sources.

They do not understand why people make such a fuss about sources.

Some students feel that their experience is enough to support their claims. Others see collecting sources as an add-on chore. These students will ask, “If the source says the same thing I’m saying, do I have to cite it?” or “Do I need to cite my own ideas if I find that someone else has thought them?” These students do not see themselves as members of a scholarly community that is collectively building knowledge but, rather, as islands of self-contained knowledge or as outsiders who are merely trying to get through this ordeal (Ashworth & Bannister, 1997).

They do not understand that they need to cite facts, figures, and ideas, not just quotations.

These students are not trying to slip something past you. If they were, they would not have gone to all the effort of including citations for every quotation they’ve included in their papers. Very often, students are simply confused about which kinds of information need to be cited, or they assume that a citation placed at the end of a paragraph is sufficient to cover all of the sources they relied on in earlier sentences.

They are learning.

Some scholars of writing composition argue that students who abuse paraphrasing by simply inverting word order or changing word forms are just trying to digest new material. Such “patchwriting,” they say, is part of a long tradition of learning to write by copying more expert writers, imitating them as a way to begin processing and absorbing new content and skills (Howard, 1995).

They are used to a collaborative model of knowledge production.

For students who have grown up with sampled music and video mashups, who come from certain cultural backgrounds, or who’ve experienced certain kinds of collaborative learning, it can be confusing to be told that they are supposed to distinguish their own thoughts and ideas from those of their friends and family members (Price, 2002).

Turnitin offers a wide variety of solutions that can assist with any sort of plagiarism happening at your institution. Find out more about these solutions – click the link below



Ashworth, P. & Bannister, P. (1997). Guilty in whose eyes? University students’ perceptions of cheating and plagiarism in academic work and assessment. Studies in Higher Education, 22, 187-204.

Bowden, D. (1996). Coming to terms: Plagiarism. English Journal, 85 (4), 82-85.

Franklin, B. (1788). The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. https://wwnorton.com/college/history/america-essential-learning/docs/BFranklin-Autobiography-1788.pdf

Howard, R.M. (1995). Plagiarisms, authorships, and the academic death penalty. College English, 57, 788-807.

Lipson, A. & Reindl, S.M. (2003, July-August). The responsible plagiarist: Understanding students who misuse sources. About Campus, 7-14.

Price, M. (2002). Beyond ‘gotcha’: Situating plagiarism in policy and pedagogy. College Composition and Communication, 54 (1), 88-116.

Woodmansee, M. & Jaszi, P. (1995). The law of texts: Copyright in the academy. College English, 57, 769-788.

Citation: Cleary, M.N. (2017). Top 10 reasons students plagiarize & what teachers can do about it (with apologies to David Letterman). Phi Delta Kappan 99 (4), 66-71.


Digital Education Trends 2021

The continued effects of the Covid-19 pandemic play a strong part in how the trends in digital education have developed over the last 12 months. Entering into the new year, we should see consolidation around these with many of the same aspects from 2020, some of which were around before education was plunged headfirst into emergency remote teaching and then into a sustained focus on blended and online learning at almost every level. However, some new areas of focus have risen to the fore that were previously only secondary issues for technology-enabled instruction.

Context is Everything.

One of the biggest lessons from the rush to online is the widely acknowledged importance of context and lived experiences of learners and educators. Each country and teaching environment has had to deal with a very specific set of challenges in surmounting the Covid induced obstacles. In Southern Africa, the lack of access to devices, the equitable provision of data and creating supporting home learning environments has been a major challenge. In 2021, look to see more government departments, organisations and educators in general making a greater effort to bridge this many-faceted divide and so bring the potential advantages of online learning to significantly more learners.

Increase in Educator Online Teaching Skills & Agility.

For many teachers and lecturers, 2020 bore a lot of frustration because of the steep technical learning curve many had to take in developing, preparing, and facilitating lessons and teaching online, many for the very first time. Although many made it through merely by coping, it is widely recognised that it takes a specific combination of core IT productivity skills and digital learning theory to get technology-based teaching right. Expect to see more institutions taking digital teaching development more seriously from this year onwards.

More online – it’s what they want.

For many students involved in tertiary education, 2020 was the year that proved that digital facilitation is their preferred mode of learning. While some disciplines will remain practically focused to some degree, the bulk of theory engagement and collaboration can take place online and students may resist attempts by universities and colleges to return to primarily face-to-face teaching once lockdowns lift long term.

For learners in professional workplace settings, greater training choice, quality and flexibility in format, medium and device (mobile etc) will be the order of the day. Expect to see even more engagement and innovation through the use of video, interactive and gamified elements as well as progress monitoring and feedback.

Assessment is in Flux.

Although remote proctoring and surveillance-based exam sitting received major flak for its invasive and obscure practices, more and more educational organisations are exploring and implementing remote assessment protocols and greater numbers of students are asking for it too. 2021 will see significant innovation at various levels with regard to how assessment is carried out and policy and recognition systems may follow suit very quickly to enable a vastly different set of testing and examinations process than we used to have.

Educational Technology budgets and R.O.I

From universities and colleges to corporates and professional training bodies, it is virtually assured that more money will be allocated towards funding for platforms, tools, skills and initiatives that enable and support digital and remote learning in every form. This will extend to the way that digital learning is tracked and monitored too. Likewise, organisations will also be more discerning in their learning technology investments and will expect significant results from them too, now that they are the main focus of delivery and performance monitoring.

More Academic Data, AI and Performance Monitoring.

Not a new trend by any means, but 2021 will see an even greater focus on the collection, analysis and application of users and student data to validate the activity of digital learning and, when coupled with increasingly pervasive AI, used to personalize education for learners. While data analytics has been around in education for many years, from this year we will see significant efforts, particularly by well-funded corporations to develop sophisticated responses to make these solutions work better and more available for regular teaching.

OPM’s and Educational Outsourcing is Growing.

As universities and organizations continue to grapple with challenges of reaching their students through the online space, many have already recognized the serious investment in time, resources, technology, and skills required to be competitive in the digital learning space. In order to try and reach new students and markets, many organisations will invest in partnerships with third-party programme managers who will help them develop their online courses and academic offerings far beyond what they could do on their own in a short time. Universities especially will need to think carefully about how they use such providers while preserving their academic and research sovereignty and ensure they move towards digital teaching independence at some stage in the future.

Schools Need to Transform.

Of all the organisations battered by Covid in 2020, pre, primary and secondary schools have been probably hardest hit as the need to pivot fully online was not an even remotely realistic risk 18 months ago. Many teachers have responded admirably to the challenge but it’s clear that many schools will need to include some future planning at the very least to ensure they can respond to potential future pandemic risks with far less disruption.

Schools and the socialization aspects they embody are so critical for young learners but expect to see a greater emphasis on technology-based subjects as well as the introduction of programmes that foster learner independence and self-discipline as well as a rash of new fully online schools catering to a growing set of home-based learners who have weathered the pandemic well and seek to continue the fully remote experience in future.


Digital Education Trends 2021 – written by Myles Thies, Director of Digital Learning Services  at Eiffel Corp

How can we meet your Digital Education Needs in 2021? Get in touch: marketing@eiffelcorp.co.za

“Academic integrity is a way to change the world. Change the university first; then change the world. “- Youngsup Kim

According to The International Center for Academic Integrity, academic integrity can be defined as the commitment to six fundamental values[1]. These values include honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage.

Upholding these values, despite the challenges that life brings (even more relevant in our current crisis with Covid-19), forms the foundation of academic integrity.

They become a rule of thumb, a guideline against which we can measure the integrity of our scholarly communities. Without these guidelines in place, everything we do within the education sector loses credibility – and therefore loses value. It is therefore essential that these values are understood, embedded and upheld to inform ethical decision-making and behaviour.

With the fundamental values as the foundation – they become the embodiment of ideals in action. Whereby academic communities can trust the pursuit of truth within their endeavours. In so doing, the community keeps academic work in check and most importantly, maintains respect for ethical, original and reliable academic work.

Here is what is meant with each value in practical terms:

1. Honesty

hon·es·ty noun 1. The quality of being honest, free from fraud or deception, legitimate, truthful[2]

Honesty is most likely one of the most important foundations of integrity. That is what science (whether social or natural) is all about – seeking the truth.  It must be in place for integrity, trust, fairness, responsibility and courage to come to complete fruition.

Honesty depends on the individual first, with a direct impact on the larger community.  In the pursuit of knowledge, students and faculties have to be honest with both themselves and each other. Honesty lays the foundation for lifelong integrity – and should be prevalent in each and every part of a student and academic’s life.

In the same manner, institutions must commit to being honest with students, their faculties and staff, as well as their supporters, and their broader communities. Honesty begins at an organisational level – setting the tone for the entire academic community. It is out of honesty, that trust is encouraged and developed.

Being truthful, giving credit where it is due (to original work), and keeping promises; Giving factual evidence and always aspiring to being objective – these are the building blocks to honesty and ultimately leads to trust.

2. Trust

trust noun 1. The assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something[3]

Trust is a fundamental pillar of academic integrity. It refers to one’s ability to rely on someone or something to present the truth. The members of an academic community have to know they can trust that work delivered is not falsified and that all work is measured by the same standards. It is only where there is the trust that new research can move forward with confidence. Trust enables a community to exchange ideas, share information and collaborate freely.

In the same manner, one must be able to trust others, one must be worthy of trust. The student must deliver work that is trustworthy. While the institution develops trust through setting clear guidelines for assignments and evaluation of a student’s work – within a timely and equitable manner.

Academic communities of integrity both foster and rely upon climates of mutual trust. Climates of trust encourage and support the free exchange of ideas which in turn allows scholarly inquiry to reach its fullest potential.

3. Fairness

fair·ness noun 1. The quality or state of being fair, especially fair or impartial treatment, lack of favouritism toward one side or another.

Impartial treatment is essential to establishing ethical communities. It reinforces how important truth, ideas, logic and rationality are. For something to be seen as “fair”, reasonable, clear expectations have to be set. All members within the academic community have the right to expect fair treatment and have the responsibility to treat others fairly too.

Faculty members should lead by example and communicate their expectations of students fairly. They should also respond to dishonesty consistently, upholding academic integrity principles without fail.

Students, again, act fairly when they do their own original work, acknowledge when they do borrow or refer to someone else’s work and following academic integrity policies. This in turn upholds the reputation of an institution.

Similarly, administrators and staff are fair to their communities by setting policies that are clear, useful and just.

Fairness is achieved when academic communities of integrity establish clear and transparent expectations, standards, and practices to support fairness in the interactions of students, faculty and administrators.

4. Respect

re·spect noun 1. High or special regard, esteem; the quality or state of being esteemed[4]

Respect is not a one-sided matter. It requires individuals within a community showing respect towards each other, but also towards themselves.  In other words, it is both an individual and a community matter.

Respecting oneself means taking on challenges, without compromising on values. While respect for others means appreciating and acknowledging opinions and recognising the need to test and challenge these opinions to refine ideas.

Students demonstrate respect when they pursue knowledge, valuing their opportunities and actively participating in their own education. In action this would be contributing to discussions, actively listening to others and achieving their best in their studies.

Faculty show respect to students by acknowledging them as individuals. Taking their ideas seriously and helping them develop these ideas further. And also, by providing students with honest feedback on their work and valuing their work.

Members of academic communities show respect by giving credit to the intellectual contributions of other scholars. This is done through proper identification and citation of sources.

Academic communities of integrity value the interactive, cooperative, participatory nature of learning. They honour, value and consider diverse opinions and ideas.

5. Responsibility

re·spon·si·bil·i·ty noun 1. The quality or state of being responsible; moral, legal[5]

To uphold the values of integrity, both individuals and the community they are in have a role to play. Every member of an academic community is accountable, not only to themselves but also to each other – to protect the integrity of their academic institution.

When the responsibility is shared, it drives change. Communities can move others to uphold the academic integrity of the group. To be responsible is not just about doing the right thing, it is also about standing up against wrong; resisting negative peer pressure and to set an example to others. A responsible individual can hold him or herself accountable for their actions. And to encourage others to do the same.

A responsible faculty creates classroom and institutional policies but also communicates what is expected of students. They are acting responsibly by adhering to the guidelines of their own policies.

Students should act responsibly, by making sure they understand these policies and then follow them accordingly.

Responsible institutions ensure that processes align with policies and the institution’s mission and vision.

Academic communities of integrity rest upon foundations of personal accountability coupled with the willingness of individuals and groups to lead by example, uphold mutually agreed-upon standards, and take action when they encounter wrongdoing.

6. Courage

Courage cour·age noun 1. The mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty [6]

Last, but not least, we have courage. In a sense, courage is a quality or the character of a person. It, therefore, differs from the values described above. But, each value listed contributes to building the capacity to be courageous. In other words, acting in line with one’s values despite being afraid.

Yet again, each member of the academic community and the community itself, need to have the courage to hold each other accountable to the five fundamental values listed previously.  This in turns creates a culture of academic integrity.

Members of an academic community must therefore learn to make decisions based on the values listed above (demonstrating integrity). For this to have an impact, they need to have the necessary courage to act on these decisions.

It is only through courage that one can create a community that is responsible, respectful, trustworthy, fair and honest – and strong enough to stand up for their beliefs, no matter the challenges they may face.


Turnitin Solutions

Turnitin offers a wide variety of solutions that promotes academic integrity at your institution. Click here to download an infographic that illustrates these solutions or visit our website

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Eiffel Corp’s Graduate Programme brings on board five graduates at a time. This gives newly graduated candidates a chance to jump into the work environment, helping them learn new skills through first-hand experiences. For us, this is a win-win scenario, as we also gain valuable input from newly graduated individuals who view our activities from a fresh perspective.

Through our programme, we contribute to the important skills development of graduates, future-proofing their careers. We have also been able to place candidates within relevant roles where it made sense for them and us.

For both Eiffel Corp and the graduates, this has been an enriching experience, building into our future as a company, and the future of these amazing young graduates.

We spoke to some of our graduates who have now become permanent members of the Eiffel Corp team, asking them about their experience at Eiffel Corp and their future plans. Here is what they had to say.

Graduate Mongalo Makhatho

What did you study?

BCom Economics and Finance

Why did you choose Eiffel Corp for your internship?

To be quite honest, I wasn’t aware that I was going to work for a company called Eiffel Corp because I received an email from Tryphina’s company. Alas, in my last year of varsity I wanted to be part of a company that is innovative and is IT-focused, since we are moving in the digital space I found interest in knowing more about the digital space as an entirety and when I spoke to Clare on my second interview, that’s when I knew that this was actually it.

Your first Impressions of the corporate environment and Eiffel Corp:

My first few days starting out at Eiffel Corp, everyone was welcoming and introduced themselves so politely, I was shocked at the amount of kindness I received on my first day and as the week past, I was starting to be more comfortable. When we had our first meeting with Ian, I remember him apologising for not welcoming us well, that was a bit of a shock too because a whole CEO apologising whereas in some companies the CEO is only seen on special occasions. So honestly, Eiffel Corp made it easy for me to adjust or adapt to the corporate environment. So, I would say strange (in a good way).

From Graduate to Intern to Employee:

It has been my first intern job, it was quite overwhelming the first few months because it was information overload. I remember we were expected to do presentations week after week. Which was fun because it enabled me to get out of my comfort zone. As months went by we were then moved in swiftly into our roles and doing what is expected of us. Everything went smoothly because we were guided by our account managers and they would assist us with cold calling and setting up meetings. Close to the end of the year, we were then told to pick which department we would like to work represented in the company, as we will be then made permanent, I couldn’t believe that it only took me or us 6 months to move into our desired roles, I guess with the help of Tryphinah, anything was really possible. In our sessions, she always talked us through becoming more than what we imagined ourselves in being.

What have been your highlights over the past two years?

My highlights in the past year: 1 ) Being in the IT/ Education space. As a recent graduate, it’s only now I understand the importance of digital education. 2) Tryphinah being our coach or having a coach at the very start of my career. She allowed me to tap into what I can become in future and where I can allow my headspace to be in the next coming years. 3) To be a permanent staff member within 6 months of my internship.

Where do you see yourself in five years from now?

In the next 5 years within the company, I see myself being a Key’s Account Manager / Regional’s Account Manager. Outside, a businesswoman.

Graduate Alatha Mseti

What did you study?

Bachelor of Commerce in Finance from University of Johannesburg & Certificate in Fundamentals of Banking from the Charted Institute of Securities & Investment in London, United Kingdom.

Why did you choose Eiffel Corp for your internship?

Eiffel Corp is an incredible company, especially when wanting to work in technology, innovation and all things software. I was impressed that they were partners with one of the biggest educational products in the world, which opens doors to the international landscape.

Your first Impressions of the corporate environment and Eiffel Corp:

The corporate environment has people come and go. It can be hostile if you do not know how to work in a team and with people in general. Eiffel Corp has a fantastic working culture that encourages growth and puts the minds and health of employees first. One of the best things I appreciate about working here.

From Graduate to Intern to Employee:

Graduation was the best day of my life but as the saying goes…what next?

As soon as the contract landed in my emails, I was excited to the highest ever because I was about to enter an entirely different chapter of my life. The internship had opened my eyes to a bigger reality because of the Business Coach, Ms Tryphina Moleke (God bless her very much!). Therefore, the transition to being a permanent employee was quite smooth as I knew that I’m building my career and not just having a job at Eiffel Corp.

What have been your highlights over the past two years?

  • Meeting most of the employees in Cape Town while on the Graduate Programme
  • Eiffel Corp employing me on a full-time basis within 6 months of working in the company.

Where do you see yourself in five years from now?

Achieving at least 3 passions of mine on my vision board and one of them is being a Digital Media Strategist OR Digital Designer 😊

“What we learn with pleasure we never forget.”
—Alfred Mercier

The year 2020 has been one of the most globally disruptive periods in living memory. Apart from a significant loss of life through the virus itself, Covid-19 has brought about tectonic shifts in the way that people live, work and learn.

In this discussion, we heard from diverse voices, both near and far, about the experiences during Covid-19, both positive and negative.
We also reflected on how those affected have faced these challenges. This includes those directly involved in front line teaching; in institutional decision- making; as well as supporting of colleagues in digital teaching. We created a platform for our panelists and guests to share their views on what they think the next months and years will look like for – all stakeholders – in an even more technology permeated learning space.
Herewith some of the questions and relevant comments that were shared during our session, as well as the recording in the video below.

Supporting and enabling all educators to apply technology to blended and fully online teaching was traditionally a challenge. Have you seen any shift in recognition within teaching staff about the possibilities of technology and its wide range of possibilities, especially in diverse places like South Africa.


Derek Moore:  This is our second dramatic switch to digital in the last 5 years. Did the campus shut down in 2015 associated with #feesmustfall “assist” your organization kick into gear? Or were the two situations completely different?

Stephen Marquard: Lots of differences, Derek, but it did mean that we were aware of many of the likely issues.

Magriet de Villiers: It’s rather speeding up the process – not actually starting it anew.

Stephen Marquard: I don’t think there was ever a complete “switch to digital” in 2015-2017; more mitigation of impossible situations.

Nicola Pallitt: Very different situations, I think the socio-emotional load between then and now has been different. Now the online is forced, it is still political but different.

Dolf Jordaan: We have to acknowledge the value of the student experience ….in the same fashion our 2021 first entry student generation will struggle with their student experience if we continue as is.

Neil Kramm: Yes we cannot get away from that. UNISA always has a crisis – the student body wants more contact.

Dr Sonja Strydom: Agree – differences between ERTL and fully online learning to be acknowledged.

Magriet de Villiers: Many of our student communities worked very hard at creating the ‘campus away from campus’, and that worked well socially. It is, however, not so easy to do from an academic perspective.

Stephen Marquard: We’ve reproduced quite a narrow range of what a campus can be in the online space; we still need to imagine and bring into being some of the more complex and serendipitous aspects of learning together in a physical space.

Maria Hedberg – LU: Yes, the social part is very challenging, we have been discussing how to support it better here in Lund.

Nicola Pallitt: Some of the most physical fields have been most creative – the Drama department at Rhodes have really impressed us.

Magriet de Villiers: That is very true, Nicola – necessity brought out a lot of creativity.

Magriet de Villiers:  Agree, Maria, many lecturers want to come back to campus specifically to access the tools and technologies. They may want to T&L online but cannot due to physical challenges.

Jolene:  So interesting to see how similar experiences are.

Magriet de Villiers: Hopefully the peer-to-peer support and discussions amongst lecturers will continue!



Traditional forms of assessment have taken a major knock in 2020. What measures have your organization taken to respond to the challenges associated with examinations and testing and which of these do you see as being the most successful and sustainable in future?

Derek Moore: Has there been any pressure from management and lecturers for remote proctoring services?

Jolene:  Thank you Derek for your question!

Nicola Pallitt: In some spaces proctoring was already happening, where there are professional boards. Think it might work better for postgrads. Proctoring might not be a one size fits all.

Magriet de Villiers: Absolutely Stephen! And our students have said on numerous occasions that they do not want to go back to the previous types of assessments.

Carina van Rooyen: I am so concerned about the uncritical adopting of proctoring. I’ve heard call from lecturers for proctoring, with the justification that students are cheaters, without evidence of cheating. I would rather us think serious about the nature of assessment.

Maria Hedberg – LU: There is also the uncertainty issues among our teachers of what is allowed and ok to do – for instance regarding GDPR etc etc .

Magriet de Villiers: Agree, Carina.

Dr Sonja Strydom:  Agree with you Carina – many ethical questions to be considered.

Maria Hedberg – LU:  Yes, we have also heard from student voices that they feel ”watched”. The response from them is turning camera off during zoom-lectures, which makes the lectures less engaging for both teachers and students alike.

Stephen Marquard:  We’ve had hugely varied experiences – courses where lecturers thought the assessments were much better, more authentic and more rigorous, and others where lecturers felt less confident in their reliability and validity of their assessments than before. We’re collecting a set of case studies about assessment during ERT to move forward the campus conversation about good assessment practice.

Dr Sonja Strydom:  A good idea of the assessment case studies Stephen.

Magriet de Villiers: Looking forward to seeing those case studies, Stephen.

Derek Moore: Interesting how professional bodies expect HE to prepare students for work, but the same bodies won’t accept sound advice around assessing competency.

Jarryd Futcher:  Maria, I agree with you. I find it is difficult to balance or come to an understanding between those who feel watched/judged (and switch-off their video) and to maintain staff/student engagement (ensuring videos are on).



Could there have been more collaboration amongst institutions/Would you have done anything differently?



Nicola Pallitt: I think it happened organically – CILT OERs rock:) My bigger gripe is the CHE whose guidelines came a little to late and didn’t acknowledge all the unis guidelines, looks like they are out of the loop with the sector. I feel we need to use our collective agency to talk back to stuff like that

Nicola Pallitt: Fort Hare got a major award recently – lots of good stuff happening at unis many don’t know about

Maria Hedberg – LU: In Sweden we have networks that collaborate, for instance 28 institutions have Canvas. We discuss different issues and collaborate around teaching and learning material

Nicola Pallitt: UP2U will be hosted by NMU and Rhodes in collaboration, next year.

Nicola Pallitt: Thanks to UP2U we piloted The Invigilator and going to try out Connect Yard. One of the most useful events for me in 2020

If you had to sum up the year of 2020 in one word, or one sentence (in reference to education)?

Carina van Rooyen: Much learning, and collaboration!

Maria Hedberg – LU: Agree – collaboration is key, very appreciated in Lund as well

Dr Sonja Strydom: A year to never forget.

Dr Sonja Strydom: Learnings & appreciation for what worked well.

Carina van Rooyen: The system was pushed further than I thought it would go – this gives me hope!


General comments and question:

Sukaina Walji: I’m interested in hearing about planning for 2021 and what is being done by different institutions.

Nicola Pallitt: Fascinating discussion, was a useful temperature check. Advice for supporting lecturers and students next year – now that we are going beyond ERT, how should we be preparing folks – any advice?

Mercy Mbewe:   Thanks for this discussion learnt some useful insights especially for some of us who originally had our LMS in its infancy of development . We had to fast track into digital teal teaching and assessments.


A special thank you to our panelists:

University of Cape Town (UCT)
Stephen Marquard
Acting Deputy Director
Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching

Nelson Mandela University (NMU)
Mike Swanepoel
Project Lead: Digital Learning Design & Innovation

University of Pretoria (UP)
Dolf Jordaan
Deputy Director: eLearning and Media Development

Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)
Associate Professor Dr Eunice Ivala
Director: Centre for Innovative Educational Technology

Stellenbosch University
Dr Sonja Strydom
Consultant: Centre for Learning Technologies

Magriet de Villiers
Advisor: Centre for Learning Technologies

International Guests
Representatives from
Lund University, Sweden and Spain

Developing a growth mindset.

How we love the thought of growth. Growth in ourselves, our businesses, our client base, our profitability or our market share. However, one also needs to consider growing in a ‘growth mindset’ and not just in methodologies and strategies.

With that in mind, I have selected five quotations from well-known companies or people that focus on the need for internal growth before we can grow externally. I want to focus on certain words or phrases in each of the quotations and expand a little on the growth mindset addressed.

Success isn’t a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.  Arnold H. Glasgow

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs is famous in the technology industry for what’s called his ‘reality distortion field’. His charismatic personality and ability to get others to see things his way was so powerful that employees would attempt to accomplish impossible tasks at his urging.


Steve Jobs was Apple’s number one salesman and the chief communicator of Apple’s vision.  Apple has whole departments of marketing and public relations experts, but Jobs was the person they put on stage to announce new products or technology because no one else could communicate his vision with the same passion. His key success appears to be that before he brought a brilliant product to market, he opened the way for successful engagement by firstly, setting himself on fire.

You never know what results will come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no results. Mahatma Gandhi

The founder of Atari, Nolan Bushnell has an action bias that embraces this axiom:

The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not even next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer.

In engaging with start-up and existing entrepreneurs, I have observed that this action bias is one of the key differences between those who appear to stagnate or have little momentum and those who grow, expand and succeed. To what degree are you tilting the field in your favour by building an action bias in yourself and in your team?

I like the impossible. There, the competition is smaller.   Walt Disney.

Kishore Makan, owner of Exclusive car care embraces audacious goals. Kishore has two businesses, in Port Elizabeth. One is a transport logistics company and the other is a car wash business. When he first mentioned that he was considering the car wash business, I was doubtful. This industry has many entrants, margins are normally low because of competitive pricing and it seems difficult to have a real differentiator. He disproved my doubts by applying the following principles:  his unique selling proposition combined the use of patented cleaning chemicals; drying with compressed air; and an appeal to the market of those who love their cars. His innovative approach saw him building up a ‘fan base’ of over 700 clients within two years!

This saw him breaking even within the first three months, quadrupling his turnover within the first year and securing the business of the vast majority of new and used car dealers on the adjacent highway.

It always seems impossible until it’s done.    Nelson Mandela

To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart.                                                                                                Thomas Watson, former CEO, IBM

Terine Lott-Cupido entered the world of entrepreneurship quite recently. In a relatively short time, however, she has managed to procure a growing client base. The reason? Perhaps it is because of the unique way she engages with her clients, combining her expertise and experience with a true heart for her clients and a focus on their best interests.

People can make or break your business, and this is heightened in the small business arena where poor use of human capital can derail or even shipwreck a start-up. How reassuring then to have a service provider who models the interests of her clients fully in carrying their business …. in her heart.

Those embracing Thomas Watson’s words may appreciate this addition, Just showing up to work is not enough to be successful in your job or your business. There must be an inner drive full of passion, enthusiasm and burning desire within you to go above the norm. Your sense of purpose must be strong as well as your self-motivation. You gotta wanna! Is your heart in what you are doing … or not?

The only thing that I see that is distinctly different about me is I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill. I will not be out-worked, period. You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, you might be sexier than me, and you might be all of those things you got it on me in nine categories. But if we get on the treadmill together, there’s two things: You’re getting off first, or I’m going to die. It’s really that simple, right? You’re not going to out-work me. It’s strictly based on being outworked; it’s strictly based on missing crucial opportunities. I say all the time if you stay ready, you ain’t gotta get ready.                               Will Smith


Jonathan Reid is an international travel photographer who has made Will Smith’s quote his own.

When he is on site in one of the many countries where he shoots, 14- to 16-hour workdays are commonplace. This means, like Will Smith, this choices and habits have made him more ready to seize opportunities and stand out.

This focus has seen an increase in the quality and quantity of his work and positioned him favourably with businesses buying his services. In his early days, he was contacted to do a trial shoot around London. About that choice he said, ‘This happened to be in my school holiday period, so despite them paying for two days of work, I did about six. I’m not the most talented photographer, so I make up for this with hard work and I wanted to grab this opportunity.’

He carried this momentum into the next shoot ‘My bag was still packed from a previous shoot, so I left for Amsterdam that afternoon with no production time. Once again, I over-delivered, working from 5am to sunset 10pm without breaking for lunch. I did the week of work, arrived back home at 1am and started school at 7am.’

Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and, above all, and don’t let anyone limit your dreams.       Donovan Bailey

“These tools offer personalised feedback and enable educators to assess a student’s progress over time. Turnitin is used by more than 30 million students at 15,000 institutions in 140 countries.

Furthermore, Turnitin believes in authenticity and promoting integrity through their products. Therefore, as a company, they constantly review their own products, responding to the needs of the academic sector and are willing to change their products accordingly.

The Turnitin Team

Turnitin has a global mindset and therefore keeps different perspectives in mind and celebrates the diversity of the countries they work with. Their team acts as a united force, tackling academic integrity, knowing the impact they have on the world through their solutions.  Turnitin’s team has a passion for learning; and so also for helping educators and learners around the world. They are committed to their own learning and growth internally too, upholding their corporate social responsibility to education.

In short, Turnitin is known for their ability and focus as a company to constantly innovate and adjust their products to meet the clients’ needs within the changing education environment.

In response to their clients and the various needs and priorities, Turnitin has a range of products and solutions, that combine to create the ultimate academic integrity force.

We would therefore like to illustrate how these offerings function on their own to meet specific needs, but also how they can be combined as a complete solution.

Turnitin’s Products

In its essence, Turnitin provides a high-quality plagiarism detection tool, designed to be tightly integrated into your learning environment.

By comparing submissions against the most comprehensive database of known sources, Turnitin Similarity can help identify direct text matches as well as text manipulations meant to circumvent plagiarism checks.

Turnitin Originality keeps integrity at the core of all student work. Rise above basic text similarity checking with a solution designed to constantly address emerging trends in misconduct. Turnitin Originality has easy to use panels that go deeper into the document and provide actionable insights to instructors to support a responsible scholarship for their students and their institution.

Turnitin Feedback Studio safeguards academic integrity. Feedback Studio combines cutting edge tools with curricular resources to deter plagiarism, teach the value of authentic writing, and protect your institution’s reputation. Educators can save time on grading and feedback. Empower instructors with commenting and grading tools that make the feedback process faster, easier, and more consistent. Track and analyse student progress to inform instruction and support strategic initiatives throughout your institution.

Integrity and authenticity are not bookend concepts that should only be addressed at the beginning and end of a project. When educators are able to give students an opportunity to embrace their integrity and authenticity throughout the process by guiding them through likenesses and analysis in the formative space, they can help them to understand how to improve and grow.

Education with Integrity: Turnitin

Complete the form to download the Education with Integrity Guide: Turnitin


Aros approached Eiffel Corp to assist them with preparation to delivering an online course for their Post Graduate Education Certificate course from 2021. Their team requested professional help, as the focus on developing material to support fully online students, while allowing active engagement with students – required a different approach and skills from the team and developers involved in the process.

Eiffel Corp identified the need for skills transfer, and a financially sensible approach for a small institution not to outsource to a company to help and support them long term.  We, therefore, recommended that their team participates in our Digital Teaching eXpert course. Here we could instruct and show the team how they could take their usual content and move it online successfully. This would mean that they would be able to do so themselves going forward.

Aros LecturersContent Writers and SME’s attended our DTX course where we built in an engaged and integrated skills transfer development process with Nikki Williamson, our Instructional Designer and Training Facilitator. This approach meant that the course not only taught and equipped them with skills to teach online, but we could also share, help and support them with their entire online development process. 

The course and process were extremely well-received. We are happy to share some of their feedback. 

When asked which aspects of this training programme the team found most useful, we received some of the following responses. 

 General Comments:  


“All of the training.”  

“The exercises.” 

Course Content and Delivery: 

The practical assignments of the afternoon sessions, the well-compiled manual, but also the discussions during the synchronous sessions. 

I found the discussion forum and the activities we had to do on it very useful. We could also see what the other participants had done and comment on this. I learned from them and liked the discussions during the synchronous sessions. I loved that I could give my opinion on matters rather than just sit and listen to what one person thinks. 

 The online delivery via Microsoft teams and the flexible time aspect for completion of activities.  

The facilitator added personal and warm touch. She did well in contextualising the materials within Aros’ context, keeping in mind our situation, development focus and needs.  

The course also delivered clear instructions with guidance throughout the course. 

The valuable knowledge gained from learning how to combine learning with technology and how to structure effective learning for the student. 

The Value of Working with Eiffel Corp 

The training is of excellent quality and so is all interaction with your company.   I hope that AROS will be able to work with Eiffel Corp on more projects.  

Our relationship and work with the company have set Aros on a completely different path in terms of growth and quality. 

All in all, we are grateful that their team felt that it was an “excellent course”, “delivered at the right time.” That they could “learn so many new and wonderful things” and are “excited to implement this in [their] teaching.”

We enjoyed the training and working with such enthusiastic educators. The willingness to learn and participate in the course is what helped us deliver, “a very powerful experience.” 

Learn more about the Digital Teaching eXpert course. And master the latest in digital teaching and learning skills.  

Interested in our DTX courses? Follow the link for upcoming courses here

A University of Pretoria Case Study 

The Neuro Agility Profile™ (NAP™) is rated as the first scientifically validated, neuro-agility tool in the world.  Based on the principle that “you cannot improve what you cannot measure”, the NAP assessment helps individuals understand their unique neurological design, and to optimise the drivers that impact their neuro-agility and brain health.  

What is Neuro Agility? 

Neuro-agility is the ability to think, learn and process information with ease, speed and flexibility.  

Does the  NAP™ tool work? 

We have seen several reputable organisations that have made use of the NAP™ with exceptional performance improvements as a result.  

Our case studies show that the tool offers specific, measurable, and scientifically validated results. We can confidently say that the NAP is the most valuable and successful assessment tool for identifying potential, developing talent, reducing risk for error and improving performance, engagement, wellness and happiness.  

Implementing the NAP at the University of Pretoria 

The NAP was implemented as a performance improvement intervention at the University of Pretoria. More than 200 third year physiology students participated in the assessment. 


The reason for the application of the NAP tool, was to assess whether neuro-agility training in a higher education environment would impact academic results. 


A group of 106 final year students went for brain performance pre-assessment (NAP™) at the beginning of the semester.  

Students were required to log 50 hours of neuro-agility training throughout the semester. 

These students were re-assessed on their brain performance at the end of the semester. 


  • A statistically significant difference on each driver that optimizes brain performance was recorded 
  • Students improved the drivers that impact their brain health and performance with 10,43% 
  • Students improved their learning skills with 9,43% 
  • Students achieved a 98, 2% pass rate – the highest pass rate recorded yet! 


NAP™ Tool Improve the Performance of Students

What was the Return on Investment Impact? 

100% of respondents stated that knowing the information provided in their NAP™ helped them with transitioning to a higher level of wellness. 

Using the findings from their NAP™, students improved the drivers that optimise their brain performance as follows: 

  • 11,3% increase in brain fitness
  • 11,2% increase in stress coping skills
  • 10,3% increase in brain friendly diet 
  • 6,93% increase in positive sleeping habits
  • 11, 6% Increase in positive attitude (mindset) 

Using the findings from their NAP™ , students improved their learning skills as follows: 

  • 8,95% increase in their general approach to learning
  • 12,2% increase in memory skills
  • 8,38% increase in reading skills 
  • 12.9% increase in note-taking skills 
  • 8,95% increase in listening skills
  • 9, 52% increase in concentration 


Using the NAP™ contributed to: 

  • Higher pass rates  
  • Better learners’ performance 
  • Accurate awareness of personal learning preferences 
  • Accelerated learning 
  • Increased ease and flexibility with learning and thinking 
  • Increased brain fitness, memory and concentration 
  • Improved brain health and wellness 

Would you like to learn more about our Brainwayz Services offerings, or specifically the NAP Assessment?  

Contact us or visit brainwayz.eiffelcorp.co.za 

Building and Maintaining Strong Student Relationships Remotely

“Building relationships with students is by far the most important thing a teacher can do. Without a solid foundation and relationships built on trust and respect, no quality learning will happen.” – Timothy Hilton

Those who work in education know that student success is measured by more than achieved grades. Research suggests that social-emotional factors, such as student relationships with teachers and peers, impact learning (Becker & Luthar, 2002; Durlak, 2015; Osher et al. 2008).

The current COVID-19 pandemic has propelled educators around the world into a new teaching and learning environment. Many educators are and will be teaching outside of their classroom walls in technology-enabled settings, hybrid or online, to adhere to social distancing requirements. Amid all the changes and unknowns associated with preparing a classroom during this time, it’s critical to focus on the social and emotional needs of our students too.

We understand the challenges that lie ahead in the current and next academic year, especially for educators who may meet their students for the first time from a distance. However, with slight modifications to Turnitin’s teaching toolbox, you can develop new ways to reach your students.

Here are some strategies for building and maintaining strong student relationships in remote learning environments:

Tips for Building Relationships with Students Remotely

Offer opportunities for students to share about themselves

Create opportunities where students are able to get to know each other – and share about themselves. Ask students to create a short introductory video; post a paragraph and photo in a discussion forum; add to an “About the class” wiki page, or choose another participatory media for the task. Look for opportunities for students to personalise their technology presence, such as designing an avatar or creating a custom background for video conferencing. Not only will students feel more connected, but you will also gain a better understanding of your students’ backgrounds and interests.

Show your face and share your stories

Let students get to know you. This can be facilitated by letting them see you and also through sharing your stories. Share your face when communicating via live video streaming, photos, or recorded videos. If you aren’t meeting live every day/week, consider recording a video of yourself explaining the daily/weekly activities. Look for opportunities to replace (or add to) textual feedback on assignments with video or audio. Students will feel more engaged and invested in school, the more they get to see, hear, and know you.

Build a virtual classroom “space”

Regardless of the classroom website platform of choice – Learning Management System (LMS), or Google Classroom – choose a “space” where you can build a virtual classroom. Identify features that facilitate a classroom community feel. This would include features like file sharing, discussions, messaging, or blogs. Students will develop a sense of belonging when they engage in activities that contribute to the space. The virtual space needs to become a “homebase” where students can communicate with both you as an educator and each other.

Have a presence and establish a routine

Create a sense of normalcy by following a routine that becomes familiar with students. Share your schedule in advance and stick to it as best as you can. Developing routines around a schedule will help students with what to expect each week, giving them some peace of mind. For example, you could start each day with a morning video message, then pose lunchtime questions, or send daily emails. Try your best to respond to questions and provide feedback quickly. Whichever format works for you, it is important to build a presence into daily routines, so that students know you’re there.

Tips for Maintaining Relationships with Students Remotely

Host informal meet-ups with students

Organise regular meet-ups that aren’t focused on academics. Informal virtual gatherings open the door to maintaining strong relationships. It gives you a chance to hear what’s going on with your students in a comfortable setting. Think of hosting virtual lunches, lounge hours, or spirit days. Any opportunity or event where students are allowed to just talk – this is considered time well spent.

Check-in with students frequently

Make sure to schedule opportunities to check in with students on a one-on-one basis. This can be moved off online platforms and could simply be a phone call or a video phone call. Perhaps set Thursday afternoons aside as a reserved time for one-on-one meetings! Choose a medium that works best for you and your students.

Consistently connect with students via feedback

Choose your method for providing feedback – and be consistent and frequent with feedback. This is integral when it comes to maintaining relationships with students. Find educational technology tools that allow you to annotate assignments easily and share them with your students. When you have the correct tools in place, you’ll be able to provide more feedback on a regular basis.

In all that you do, show that you care 

As you are preparing your classroom for next term or for next year be intentional to be human first in all your activities. Your students need to know you care – in everything you do – and that their learning matters.  Sure, education may look a little different, but, with the right tools and the right mindset, you can reach your students and have an impact, even in a remote setting.

Learn how Turnitin’s Feedback Studio can help you with your remote learning journey, find more tools here: https://www.turnitin.com/products/feedback-studio/remote-learners



Becker, B. E., & Luthar, S. S. (2002). Social-emotional factors affecting achievement outcomes among disadvantaged students: Closing the achievement gap. Educational psychologist, 37(4), 197-214.

Durlak, J. A. (Ed.). (2015). Handbook of social and emotional learning: Research and practice. Guilford Publications.

Osher, D., Sprague, J., Weissberg, R. P., Axelrod, J., Keenan, S., Kendziora, K., & Zins, J. E. (2008). A comprehensive approach to promoting social, emotional, and academic growth in contemporary schools. Best practices in school psychology, 4, 1263-1278.

This article was adapted from the following blog post on Turnitin’s Website: https://www.turnitin.com/blog/building-and-maintaining-strong-student-relationships-remotely