Many higher education institutions across the world are forced to move to blended learning. As a leader in blended learning in higher education, Eiffel Corp is providing free resources and online support through our series of webinars.
Let us help you develop your skills, improve understanding of these tools and implement them effectively.
This is a recap of our webinar on, “Engaging students in the online environment.” Below are some questions asked during the session, with our answers. And the video of the webinar can be seen at the end of the questions.
Question: Can we create support for students who are studying remotely? Not all of our students will be able to be online all the time. (Hemali Joshi)
Answer: There are many low tech ways we can engage with our students, such as SMS and email. Although they are not ideal, or too supportive of a community they can help learners to feel ‘linked into a greater learning community.
Question: How do we provide support and be present in large classes, especial in an online environment? (Sibongile Mnisi)
Answer: In large the classes it would be a good idea to divide the class into groups. The use of tutors and mentors to assist with these groups can be beneficial. Tutors and mentors can assist the learners as well as feedback important information back the lecturer/instructor.
Question: How do we introduce students to padlet/Lino when they have never used it before? Maybe you would like them to do the assignment using that tool or any other tool in that case. (Sibongile Mnisi)
Answer: It is really important to ensure that we give clear instructions when introducing a new tool, where possible add a “how-to video” for students who are struggling with the technology. A suggestion would be to give the students access to the new tool, and give them some time to explore the tool and then present how to use it to their colleagues in the face-to-face setting.
Question: How do we encourage silent/quiet learners to participate (Socila loafing) (Sibongile Mnisi).
1. Lecturers should identify so-called “shy students”. After identifying “shy students”, lecturers can create a journal which is a private tool. Then gradually when the students gain confidence, the lecturer can add more students into the journal and students can be moved to the open discussion.
2. Lecturer need to keep contact with “shy students” in the discussion forum by asking questions like are you fine, why you haven’t yet posted your comment, etc
During the discussion, Elvis also discussed the CREST+ model. Here is a link to more information about this model: